Workshop Schedule¶
All times are given in UTC+2. Pre-recorded videos are available at MICCAI platform pathable (and as download links in the program below).
The workshop takes place from 11 am to 6 pm on September 27th. (detailed PDF program)
11.00-12.00 Tutorial Curating and pre-processing your dataset for
learnign-based medical image registration
(Slides PDF)
13:00-13:15 Introduction Learn2Reg challenge 2021 - challenge design,
dataset and evaluation criteria
13:15-13:45 Short Orals
(Luyi Han Radboud umc / 3idiots,
Stephanie Häger Fraunhofer MEVIS,
Marek Wodzinski AGH / IWM,
Mikael Brudfors UCL / smajjk,
Vincent Jaouen LaTIM,
Bailiang Jian TUM,
Mattias P. Heinrich UzL,
Bo Hu University of Science and Technology of China
/ VIDAR, Gal Lifshitz Tel Aviv University,
Lasse Hansen UzL)
13:45-14:45 Long Orals
(Tony C. W. Mok The Hong Kong University of Science and
Wentao Pan THU,
Daniel Grzech Imperial College
London, Jinxin Lv Huazhong University of Science and
Technology / Driver,
Wei Shao Stanford University / PIMed)
14:45-15:30 Poster session
15.45-16:15 Keynote: Dr. Mark Wielpütz, University Clinic Heidelberg, Germany " Imaging Lung Structure and Function - You can't have one without the other"
16:15-16:45 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Bram van Ginneken, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands " bridging the gap between challenges and algorithms"
16:45-17:15 Keynote: Dr. Stefan Heldmann, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany ""Bringing Medical Image Registration to Patients - Translation from Research to Industry at Fraunhofer MEVIS"
17:15-18:00 Closing and panel discussion